Review of Cryptic Calling Debut EP
By L. White
There has been a recent trend lately in the realm of hard rock music in the USA lately. That being that it has found it's way, and made a home in the capitol of country music. Yes, Nashville has seen a rise in great music, and banjo's have nothing to do with it. This is the case with hard rock band Cryptic Calling.
With the newly released debut EP by Cryptic Calling comes a refreshing sound from the home of country music. The self-titled EP is a long awaited release from fans of the hard rock band. Is it worth the wait? Let's find out.
The track "Otiose" draws you right in with the blazing guitar and lead vocals of James Robbins, driving percussion of Shea Shankle and beat driven bass of Clay Zimmerman. The metaphoric lyrics speaking on a family member who has constantly done wrong, with broken promises. To finally have the whole family turned against them. Amazing lyrics that are driven home with the emotion filled vocals of Robbins. Otiose being a rather old fashioned term for not serving any useful purpose. A great track indeed on so many different levels.
The track "Shattered Dreams" is more of a ballad, and a very good one at that. A song of a love that is in some sort of limbo. Whether it be from a death, or debilitating illness or injury is left up for interpretation by the listener. Robbins delivers on all levels helping you feel the anguish in his lyrics at the situation being sung about. The music accompanying just intensifies that with every crescendo and drop.
The same can be said about the other three tracks all dealing with lost love. Whether being friend, family or lover. All the tracks delivered with a strong emotion of loss on every level. With the music being just as emotionally charged as the lyrics, Cryptic Calling has delivered a concept EP that is masterfully produced and recorded. The long wait for fans was well worth it. Also sure to bring new fans from afar, as they put Nashville on the map once again in music for more than just country music.Overall, the debut EP from Cryptic Calling is very enjoyable. Production value is superb and delivers a great sound that is sure to have old and new fans alike awaiting their next release with much anticipation. Also having many desire to see Cryptic Calling in a live setting playing these tracks. Already making a name for themselves in the local music scenes of Tennessee, watch for this band to rise in acclaim nationally and even internationally in the near future. Embodying that "It" factor that many strive for, but fall short of. Cryptic Calling has arrived.
Overall Rating:

(4 of 5 Stars)
Enjoy music by Cryptic Calling
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