Review of Subject ID
By L. White
With a bit of a pop/folk sound, Subject ID is hard to pin down to just a traditional genre. With elements of Sublime and then some Violent Femmes they traverse a wide spectrum of sound. At times sounding quite brilliant lyrically, but then maybe a little goofy, as on the track "The Tree Song". Showing some great writing skills on tracks like "Stalker" and "Cycle Stays the Same", with great metaphors and with the vocals just complimenting the messages of each track.
On "Stalker", the track starts off with a great bass-line by Anthony DeDominicis and Taylor Kitchen, and remains bass and beat driven by Anthony, Taylor and skins of Levi Kertesz. With two bass players with the same sort of rhythm, Anthony also plays some guitar on the various tracks of Subject ID, they offer a great sound. All in sync and playing off of each other, the band works very well together to give the full feeling of what Subject ID brings to the table.
On the track "Wooden Strings" you get more of an acoustic folk sound. With a bit of Violent Femmes sound, that David Mercante offers on each track with his vocal range. At about the 1:50 mark, the tempo of the track speeds up with a nice bridge that offers up a solo of sorts that is simple, but compliments the track. Actually bringing to mind a classic rock feel to it at times.
Enjoy music from Subject ID
The band offers a swingy pop rock and folk based sound and is quite pleasing to the ear. It is actually very interesting that in listing their personal influences, they did not list such bands as the Violent Femmes, Sublime or B52's. Maybe not so much the B52's exuberance and tempo, but you can definitely hear some influence in there. With the vocals mainly sounding like Gordon Gano, but with Mercante's own style adding a softer feel to it.
Overall, Subject ID is a great band with their own sound, no matter who their influences may be, or who they may resemble. Unable to really nail down their sound to one, or even two, specific genres, as has become customary lately with many bands. They offer a feel good sound even when touching on not so feel good topics. With not sticking to traditional ways of band members roles in the band, they open up doors for themselves where many other bands may stay stuck in one particular sound. With three of the band members listed as singing vocals, two band members listed on guitars, bass and even percussion, it leaves much more room for exploration for different sounds and techniques. Each of these tracks offers the sound that is Subject ID, with Mercante doing the bulk of the lead singing, you definitely know each track is from the same band. What the future holds for Subject ID, is all completely up to the band as they evolve and change their styles, yet always sticking to the same core of their true sound. No matter what style they settle on, or even if they keep changing it up, Subject ID is a band to keep an eye on.
Overall Rating: 

(3 1/2 Stars our of 5)
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